Dego Republic Strikes Back — DEGO Token Migration

3 min readApr 7, 2022


Dear Community,

We will implement DEGO token migration at the block height of 14340334 (Ethereum chain)/15853612 (Binance Smart Chain). And then, we will open the collection of new tokens. It has been a while since we were hacked. We have been investigating with relevant organizations and recovering the corresponding token during this period. There are already some clues, and we are still recovering.

We’ll keep all of you updated on the latest developments while working on a solution for remedy. Whether the stolen funds can be recovered or not,

We carry on.

DEGO New Token Contract

  1. We will implement ⅘ multisig system
  2. Add blacklist
  3. Add contract suspension feature
  4. Destruction of DEGO: The transfer and destroy fees will be 0%-20% of the transfer amount after the migration is completed.

New DEGO Multisig Address

  • Binance Smart Chain

dego-admin-bnb: 0x02825c0a0A328356060d93b6Fff167d8BD1c7905

dego-team-bnb: 0x14A5A080151aCB60F60e581Ce36B6D4fbf56c309

dego-reward-bnb: 0xed355Cab6Cb0d1F88b25f091E57aa57f911a2e3

  • Ethereum Chain

dego-admin-eth: 0x2546BF7283D0FA3E511A3C3D1A8C75523Abd4e1e

dego-team-eth: 0x60c83ABB01e8E023BF887dc36E0A030642298a28

dego-reward-eth: 0x72A7E0764A06697d8755048Ccec37A37106e4798

About hackers issuing additional tokens

The tokens stolen by hackers have flowed into the secondary market and cannot be reset. We will not migrate the unprocessed tokens of addresses.

About Liquidity

If the liquidity stolen is successfully recovered, we will add liquidity according to the community’s request. If it is recovered, the team will invest in CEX for liquidity maintenance.

How to claim the new DEGO tokens?

1. For users who have tokens in their address/DEX:

DEGO official website claim access will open, please claim within 100 days after we open the system.

Step 1:

Enter (Binance Smart Chain) or (Ethereum chain).

Step 2:

Click “Claim” to claim new DEGO tokens.

2. For users who have tokens in CEX:

We’ve been in contact with CEX. Please follow up on the latest news from CEX and DEGO officials.

About the GEGO NFTs

Please do not operate/decompose NFTs until we put forward the latest solutions.


* Only Token holders before the snapshot time are eligible to exchange tokens. Snapshot block height before 14340334 (Ethereum)/15853612 (Binance Smart Chain).

* The new DEGO token won’t be burnt during the claim/migration period (100 days after the claim system opens).

About DEGO Finance

DEGO Finance is an NFT+DeFi protocol and infrastructure with two functions: The project acts as an independent and open NFT ecosystem drawing users to the blockchain space. The NFT Suite offers services covering the full NFT lifecycle, enabling anyone to issue NFTs, participate in auctions, and trade NFTs. Recently, DEGO has embarked on a new journey on GameFi and will input more on R&D of Blockchain Games, Tokenisation of Game Assets, Asset Lending, and more.

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